Sorcery Passes

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Florinda Donner Grau's Talk at the Los Angeles Workshop 1997 - Evening fifth day

The useless hope is something that a warrior feels in his heart. He dances his movements of impeccability in the presence of infinity and his dance is his expression to the infinite, his display of his impeccability. His dance is a show of his gratitude to the infinite for his having had the opportunity to live. He dances his dance with all the flair and passion and precision that he can muster. He knows his dance is a dance of useless hope . . . but he has no other way, no other course for his expression. So he dances his expression to the infinite. He knows that he is up against inconceivable odds and realizes that he may never be able to find his freedom. So he dances before infinity to this useless hope.

Questions and Answers at the Los Angeles Workshop 1997

"It takes us six years, basically, as children to become socialized," she said. "Kindergarten kids are still fairly uninhibited and free. Bobby has not really gotten a hold of them," Taisha said, smiling (her smile gave the feel of a light, open, childlike mood). "Their socialization has not really taken hold."

Florinda Donner Grau's Talk at the Los Angeles Workshop 1997 - Morning

Florinda described how all human beings sense this immense longing for something they cannot completely define. She said that sorcerers maintain that this sense of longing for something indefinable is something that human beings mistakenly project onto other people as a longing for love and companionship, when in fact it is a longing for the boundless affection we would feel in the presence of our energy body. She said candidly that, "It is really a longing for the energy body we feel."

Taisha Abelar's Talk at the Los Angeles Workshop 1997 - Morning

She explained how the Dark Sea of Awareness is an entity unto itself, that it is self-aware. She called it Spirit, saying that as we progress on the evolutionary path as energetic beings, the Dark Sea of Awareness gives us the things we need to continue evolving, and it responds to those needs based on our degree of discipline. According to our own energy, it nurtures us through that connection. She said the shallow stream of awareness around our feet is where we first begin to dip into the Dark Sea of Awareness.

Carol Tiggs' Talk at the Los Angeles Workshop 1997 - Evening

The passes for Not-Doing actually stir the shallow stream of awareness, our only avenue to the Dark Sea. In performing the Running Man and On the Run series we were bringing energy and awareness up, splashing it onto our legs and intentionally bringing it even further up the body to our vital centers. She stressed that this progressive movement of energy and awareness upward had to be accompanied by a sense of increased discipline and behavioral change.